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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Don make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


"Belton for Clerk" is a professional and strong-sounding campaign website for Dorothy Belton, who is running for the office of County Clerk in Fairfield County. The campaign aims to handle specific services and responsibilities associated with the County Clerk's office, such as record-keeping, filing official documents, and providing administrative support. It requires careful planning and effective communication to serve the community effectively. We need your help to achieve this goal. You can host an event to support our campaign. This is a great way to gather like-minded people and spread the word about our campaign. Contact us to learn more.


"Belton for Clerk" is a professional and strong-sounding campaign website for Dorothy Belton, who is running for the office of County Clerk in Fairfield County. The campaign aims to handle specific services and responsibilities associated with the County Clerk's office, such as record-keeping, filing official documents, and providing administrative support. It requires careful planning and effective communication to serve the community effectively. We need your help to achieve this goal. Volunteers play a crucial role in our campaign. You can help us by walking door to door, making phone calls, and hosting events. Contact us to learn more about how you can get involved.


"Belton for Clerk" is a professional and strong-sounding campaign website for Dorothy Belton, who is running for the office of County Clerk in Fairfield County. The campaign aims to handle specific services and responsibilities associated with the County Clerk's office, such as record-keeping, filing official documents, and providing administrative support. It requires careful planning and effective communication to serve the community effectively. We need your support to make this happen. Your donation will help us cover the costs of our campaign and reach out to more people. Thank you for your contribution!

Join the Belton for Clerk Campaign

Fairfield County Government Center
233 E. Washington Street
Winnsboro, SC 29180

Tel: (803) 815-4000
Fax: (803) 635-2767

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